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Komite Planifikasyon Lokal Ijans


LEPC fè fòmasyon sou fason pou konfòme yo, reponn kesyon piblik konsènan konfòmite EPCRA, kenbe envantè chimik yo pou enspeksyon piblik ki konsistan avèk dispozisyon EPCRA sou Dwa Konnen Kominote a, bay asistans teknik pou etablisman ki rapòte dapre EPCRA, ankouraje konsyantizasyon materyèl danjere. , epi prepare epi mete ajou Plan konplè pou repons pou ijans pou rejyon an.

LEPC pral itilize tou sibvansyon Depatman Transpò pou Materyèl Danjere pou Ijans (HMEP) Depatman Transpò Etazini pou fè fòmasyon ak egzèsis pou anplwaye sektè piblik pou fè fòmasyon ak egzèsis repons pou materyèl danjere ki pa koute chè oswa ki pa koute chè.


Manm LEPC gen ladann pwofesyonèl lokal ki reprezante kategori okipasyonèl tankou anviwònman, ponpye, lapolis, jesyon ijans, sante, reprezantan etablisman endistriyèl, gwoup kominotè, medya, transpò, ak ofisyèl leta ak lokal eli.


LEPC te kreye an 1988 anba estrikti ak gidans ki tabli nan Lwa sou Amannman ak Reotorizasyon Superfund Ajans Pwoteksyon Anviwonman (SARA) Tit III Lwa sou Dwa Konnen Kominote Ijans (EPCRA) ak Divizyon Jesyon Ijans Eta Florid (FDEM). ).

Kongrè a te adopte EPCRA pou ede kominote lokal yo pwoteje sante ak sekirite piblik ak anviwònman an kont danje chimik yo. Anplis, li etabli yon patenarya inik piblik/prive antite gouvènman yo ak endistri pou planifikasyon ak rapò sou pwodui chimik danjere ak toksik.

LEPC, jan yo te etabli dapre ECPRA, dwe:

  • prepare plan ijans rejyonal pou materyèl danjere ki endike enstalasyon ki itilize, pwodui, ak/oswa estoke sibstans danjere ki prezan nan rejyon an;

  • sèvi kòm depo pou rapò rejyonal ki depoze anba Tit III;

  • dirèk aktivite rejyonal aplikasyon Tit III; epi

  • fè fonksyon kontak ki asosye pou ogmante konsyans ak konpreyansyon ak konfòmite avèk Pwogram Tit III a.

Public Outreach

Several meetings were held with county and municipal staff, community organizations and champions, and the public to gain an understanding of the specific needs of the community in underserved areas based on their experiences. The outcomes of these meetings informed the specific strategies and recommendations of the AAA.


Meeting 1: County and Municipal Staff – December 18, 2024
A virtual meeting was held with staff from Unincorporated Hardee County and surrounding communities including the City of Bowling Green, the City of Wauchula, and the Town of Zolfo Springs, to gain insight regarding vulnerable areas and the challenges they face, particularly related to flooding. Additionally, attendees provided details related to upcoming plans and projects within each jurisdiction, including a resurfacing project and the installation of street lighting along a portion of US-17.


Meeting 2: Community Organizations – January 6, 2025
Key community organizations and non-profits from the County and City attended this virtual meeting to share their insights based on their services and relationships to the community. Participants included Hardee Help Center, United Way, Hardee County Crisis Center, and Heartland Coalition for the Homeless. They discussed challenges such as transportation, access to food, and flooding.


Meeting 3: Underserved Communities – January 9, 2025
Hosted at the Hardee County Agri-Civic Center, this meeting was open to the public. Participants shared their experiences with flooding, giving specific examples of areas of flooding, poor walkability, and challenges of rehabilitation following a disaster.

Hardee County AAA Community Workshop.jpg
Hardee County AAA Community Workshop 2.jpg

Proposed Adaptation Strategies 

The following strategy categories are intended to address the climate threats identified by the vulnerability assessment and the concerns discussed during public outreach through protection, accommodation, relocation, and avoidance. The recommendations consider a variety of approaches, including nature-based solutions, policy changes, infrastructure improvements, partnerships and collaboration, and funding mechanisms. Through a comprehensive set of strategies, Hardee County can ensure a resilient future for the entire community.


Adaptation Strategy Categories

  • ​Policy, Codes, & Standards (including Land Use and Zoning)

  • ​Partnerships & Collaborations

  • ​Planning & Management

  • ​Capital Improvements

  • Transportation & Access

  • Capacity Building

  • Preparedness & Response​

  • Funding & Finance​​


Proposed Adaptation Strategies Summary Document with Comments from the Community/County/Municipalities


Informational Flyer

Hardee County CHNEP Project Handout


​Funding​ Partners

The County and the CFRPC are working in partnership with the Coastal and Heartland National Estuary Partnership (CHNEP) to develop Adaptation Action Areas to address the impacts of extreme rainfall and flooding impacts as well as increased temperatures, extreme wind and storm events and housing and  transportation. The focus of this effort is underserved communities. This project is funded by the  bipartisan Infrastructure Bill Cooperative Agreement Funding to the CHNEP from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Hardee County BoCC Logo
City of Wauchula Logo
Town of Zolfo Springs Logo
City of Bowling Green Logo

Curtis Knowles

Anplwaye Kontakte pou

Jesyon Ijans

863-534-7130 x124

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