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Community Planning Technical Assistance
The City of Bowling Green
The City of Bowling Green has been awarded a Community Planning Technical Assistance (CPTA) Grant by FloridaCommerce. CPTA grants provide communities with the opportunity to create innovative plans and development strategies to promote a diverse economy.
The City of Bowling Green has engaged the services of the Central Florida Regional Planning Council (CFRPC) to prepare an update to the City of Bowling Green 2015 Community Redevelopment Area (CRA) Plan. The plan update will include a Community Redevelopment Area Market Review and Development Analysis Report, and community engagement opportunities.
Download the Aerial Boundary Map & CRA

Goal of the Grant
Prepare an update to the City of Bowling Green 2015 Community Redevelopment Area (CRA) Plan that will reflect and expand on the Imagine Bowling Green: Downtown Vision and Action Plan.
Scope of Work
Community Redevelopment Area Market Review
Development Analysis Report
Facilitate Community Engagement.
Prepare 2025 CRA Plan
Important Conversations
Community conversations provide an opportunity to share important information, identify community needs, gather community feedback, and strategically plan for the future.
A number of community meetings will be held to identify what is working well and what is needed in Desoto County. Scheduled community meetings are as follows:
Community Kick-Off Meeting, January 16, 2025, 5:30pm to 7:30pm
Public Community Workshop to Review Draft Plan, TBD
Help Shape the Future of Bowling Green!
The City of Bowling Green is conducting a survey of its residents, and other stakeholders, to measure attitudes and opinions about economic development and future growth opportunities, what can be improved, and how community preferences and attitudes have evolved overtime.
Take the Survey
Responda la encuesta
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